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Have you ever encountered the following problems when the forming fabric is running?

Forming fabric production scene

Cracked edge:

1. Edge damage caused by poor calibration requires new guide rollers.

2. For excessive edge wear, it is necessary to add lubrication and adjust the fixed edge seal.

3. If the edge of the vacuum box is too dry, the edge fixing device should be reset and the lubrication should be improved.


1. Eliminate the influence of foreign objects, improve the spray cleaning effect, and check whether there are pollutants in the slurry.

2. If the net is worn, check the gap between the lip plates and confirm that there is no pulp stuck at the breast roller scraper.

3. Check the distance between the nozzles of the water spray pipe and the water spray pressure. Be sure to replace worn nozzles in time.

4. Check the screen drum for holes or leaks.

inward Press marks:

paper machine clothing forming fabric

1. Improve water spraying and check whether there are foreign objects entering

the slurry.

2. Whether the outer net return roller is damaged to improve the cleaning effect.

3. Clean all mesh water spray systems and replace worn nozzles.

4. Check all scrapers and bearings for normal operation and their surface condition.


1. Check the matching status of all components of the paper machine.

2. Repair or correct the guide network system.

3. Check whether the roller is damaged. If the roller is damaged, repair or re-cover it.

4. Check whether the ceramic insert is damaged and replace the damaged dehydration element.

5. Check the damaged table roller and vacuum suction box, and repair or replace the damaged parts.

6. Increase mesh tension and reduce traction load to reduce mesh arching.

7. Check whether all scrapers and bearings rotate freely and what is the surface condition.

Wear of forming fabric

front wear and tear:

1. If necessary, repair or replace the baffle material with better compatibility.

2. Whether the surface of the outer return roller is worn and re-covered if necessary.

3. Check the spray cleaning device and replace worn nozzles.

4. Check and correct lips.

Internal wear:

1. Check the scraper load of the screen guide rolls, whether the bearing rotates freely and the surface condition of the roller.

2. Check whether the surface material of the screen guide rolls is worn, and re-cover it if necessary.

3. Increase the net tension to prevent the net from slipping.

4. Check whether there are any foreign objects, especially sand and gravel in the slurry.

5. Reduce the amount of slurry added or improve the quality of the filler.

6. Check the vacuum box panel material and consider replacing it with other materials.

7. Ensure that the vacuum degree of the formed component is gradually increased, and low vacuum components need to be considered.

forming fabric packing

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