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November 28, 2023

In the paper production process, it is inevitable to encounter some problems, resulting in a large number of “paper defects”. Only by analyzing the causes in a timely manner can effective measures be taken quickly to minimize losses. Here are some common press felt-related problems: 1.Paper page crushing Paper crushing means that the wet paper Do you know the problems related to press felt during the paper making process?

November 27, 2023

press felt is a consumable product on paper machine, which has a very important impact on the quality of paper. In the production process, impurities such as fine fibers, fillers and rubber materials in paper are easy to adhere to the press felt, clog the holes of the press felt, and affect the absorption and Washing, maintenance and precautions for press felt

August 25, 2023

As the largest supplier of PMC paper machine clothing in northern Jiangsu, Sun Hong not only sells press felt, shoe press belt, forming fabric, dryer fabric, industry fabric and other products, but also formulates one-stop PMC solutions for you to provide you with high-quality products , Customer service is online 24 hours a day, ready About Sun Hong’s new SSB triple layer forming fabric