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January 12, 2024

Cracked edge: 1. Edge damage caused by poor calibration requires new guide rollers. 2. For excessive edge wear, it is necessary to add lubrication and adjust the fixed edge seal. 3. If the edge of the vacuum box is too dry, the edge fixing device should be reset and the lubrication should be improved. Holes: Have you ever encountered the following problems when the forming fabric is running?

December 18, 2023

Daily storage and precautions for dryer fabric: (1)After the unused dryer fabric is inspected (many manufacturers also choose not to unpack it for inspection, and fabric manufacturers often acquiesce to problems that arise after unpacking), it is necessary to ensure that the dryer fabric is intact and restored to packaging and stored in the box Do you know these precautions when storing dryer fabric?

December 12, 2023

The forming fabric is an important piece of equipment on the paper machine. It is a component for forming and dehydrating the paper on the paper machine. It will dehydrate the pulp suspension from the headbox and run it to the subsequent sections. Polyester forming fabric is a commonly used water filter in the forming part of How to extend the service life of forming fabric and precautions