Endless Press Felt

The relationship between the press felt and the wet end of the paper machine and how to solve it?

Sun Hong press felt

The press section is the most likely location for impression to appear in the paper production process. Generally speaking, the dryness of the paper exiting section is between 18% and 22%. The wetter the paper is in the press section, the easier it is to change the fiber arrangement, causing fiber displacement and causing impression The relationship between the press felt and the wet end of the paper machine and how to solve it?

How do view seamed press felt? What are their advantages over endless press felt?

Sun Hong Seamed Press Felt(1)

How do view seamed press felt? What are their advantages over endless press felt? Seamed press felt is widely used in modern high speed paper machines. Compared with endless press felt, it is more special. seamed press felt has a unique structure and installation method, which makes it have obvious advantages on paper machines (high How do view seamed press felt? What are their advantages over endless press felt?

Do you know the problems related to press felt during the paper making process?


In the paper production process, it is inevitable to encounter some problems, resulting in a large number of “paper defects”. Only by analyzing the causes in a timely manner can effective measures be taken quickly to minimize losses. Here are some common press felt-related problems: 1.Paper page crushing Paper crushing means that the wet paper Do you know the problems related to press felt during the paper making process?